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Deworming protocol

How do I know what deworming protocol is best for my horse?

Because of increasing resistance to dewormers, we recommend deworming as little as possible. A deworming protocol should be designed based on a fecal egg count. We recommend performing a fecal egg count on your horse once every year. Horses with a fecal egg count under 200 ova/g are considered low shedders, and over 500 ova/g are considered high shedders. Few horses fall between 200 and 500 ova/g, but can be dewormed as low or high shedders based on their exposure. Horses that do not have pasture access or live with few (1-2) other horses are considered low exposure, while horses that live with many other horses (i.e., busy boarding facilities) are considered high exposure.


It is important to keep in mind that a deworming protocol is not a one size fits all. The information provided on this page is a guideline. The best way to develop a strategic deworming protocol for your horse is to perform a fecal egg count and work with your veterinarian to determine the best protocol for your horse.

Low Shedders/Low Exposure Protocol

Aim to deworm your horse twice per year, alternating dewormer

Summer (~July): Ivermectin or Quest (rotate quest in every other year)


Winter (~January): Ivermectin


Include a product with praziquantel once yearly if your horse is out on pasture

High Shedders/High Exposure Protocol

Aim to deworm your horse 3-4 times per year, alternating dewormer

Spring: Strongid

Summer: Ivermectin or Quest (rotate quest in every other year)

Fall: Ivermectin or Praziquantel

Winter: Ivermectin


Include a product with Praziquantel once yearly if your horse is out on pasture.

How do I know my horse's fecal egg count?

We are happy to collect a fecal sample for fecal egg count testing during your horse's annual wellness visit. Alternatively, you may drop a sample by the front desk at our clinic any time and we will get it sent out that same day. Once we receive the results from the test, one of our doctors will give you a call with the results and to develop a protocol for your horse.

is the deworming protocol the same for a young horse?

Foals should receive a different deworming protocol than an adult horse. Horses that are one to three years old should be treated using the high shedder deworming protocol. Once your horse reaches three years of age, it is time to start performing fecal egg count testing to determine if your horse should be dewormed as a low or high shedder. 

Foal Deworming Protocol

  • 3 Months: Panacur

  • 6 months: Panacur

  • 9 months: Panacur

  • 12 months: Equimax

  • 15 months: Panacur

  • 18 months: Ivermectin

  • 21 months: Panacur

  • 24 months: Equimax

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